Wednesday 7 December 2022

The journey to Entrepreneurship Begins

Focus and Discipline. There was a specific time in history, when I chose job over Entrepreneurship. I had a whole map. Career growth, job functions, professional bodies...I would start with road transport, switch to Maritime to make money, retire in Aviation because of their soft life. I'd work with ECOWAS and then UN. I had one Dr Eric I was looking to be like. I saw his name on a poster, as a Guest Speaker for a Logistics conference. He was the ECOWAS director/coordinator of Logistics and Supply chain. With his portfolio, I realised that there was indeed a great career in Transport Management. 6months after NYSC, I got employed in ABC Transport PLC. They were the leading Road transport company in Nigeria. Within a year, I was appointed as a Manager. I still had my head in the game. I applied to be a Chartered Member of Logistics and Transport CMILT. I didn't get the qualifications for the level I wanted, so I started online courses. came through for me. I studied some transport related courses for free. I don't know how they decided to gift me one of my certificates during the covid pandemic. I started studying more, improving myself and fulfilling my Cont Dev Plan as required CILT. I sent professional applications to NITT Zaria. I still had my head in the game. After 3yrs, I felt I had gotten to the peak of my desire in Road transport. I started pushing another transport business, I had wanted to begin before I got the position. Dispatch Service. Post covid gave rise to the explosion of Dispatch Riders. I had bought a bike and started creating designs and social media presence as early as 2018. (HomeDel Logistics)
Now, I'm strung between going the entrepreneurial path with HomeDel or seeking out penetration into the maritime space. Maybe not as a jobber, but I could work and learn from a reputable firm for one year, and get the in on port operations. If ultimately money is what matters, do I really need to chase a path in maritime? HomeDel Logistics offers great value, but can HomeDel pay me that much, coz sincerely HomeDel requires much funding and I need to get my head in that game. I'm also tired of the retinue of a job life. Yet, it seems like this job route is a faster path to this money something, except a miracle happens at HomeDel logistics and happens really fast...esp while the ocean is still blue. I'm employed with another company that does what I want to do with HomeDel. Except that they deal with interstate Road transport companies. My mind is open to learn the process, while ofcourse doing my best to grow the company. The things that needs to be done by doing, can only be learnt by doing. So here we are...putting in the work...tryna live the dream against all odds. There's light ahead.

Saturday 26 November 2022


I've slept long enough. I'm awake live the dream. I want to start saying my truth. I may not be the person with enough discretion to hold it all in. I find Writing, an easier way of expressing my opinions, and views on issues, in all spheres of life that I'm interested in. I've sought other social media spaces, to post anonymously, but I found out it was still traceable to you, if someone really wants to. So no more hiding under the veil. I'm coming out...I'm out. Let the world see. Take the risk, break your head, break their hearts.
Let's see what's on the other side of life.

Wednesday 6 December 2017


Is FAITH needed for every miracle?
What is meant by corporate anointing?
There are several occasions in the Bible, where Jesus and his disciples healed with his power and not necessarily the recipient's faith ...Luke 6:19:, Luke 9:11:, Mark 8:24, Act 3:2...the list is endless.
Did Jesus or the apostles heal everyone because of their faith? No!
I think our ministers should be firebrand enough to command results even when the person's faith is not enough. Instead of the regular excuse that we do not have faith to receive.
How dem take know say we no get faith? Is it your faith?!
Faith cometh by hearing, how does the deaf or the dead or the demon possessed have faith for healing?!
Please go and swim in deep water of fellowship so yhu can command apostolic results.

Living For A Cause or For Your Course

Are you living for a cause or for your course?
The sincere answer to this question is the compass that direct the affairs of your life.
Your cumulative actions and reactions to the affairs of life has been on the basis of either of the divide.
A brother I respect so much, Chidi Nkwocha once asked "what is the best motivation; drive to be successful or drive to make the world a better place?"
I believe you can choose to either set your personal positive life's goals and walk them into fruition or commit yourself to a larger than life goal that would mostly benefit the society and perhaps, make the world a better place.
Both choices are not bad in themselves. If everybody is winning in their personal space, eventually, it would make the world a better place especially as we are interdependent on one another. However, some folks have the intended burden placed on them to better the lot of others. They are usually influential in their ways and tend to pull the crowd towards them with an electromagnetic effect.
This kind of people derive satisfaction in mentoring others and seeing the protégé tow their path, good or bad.
The art could be learnt though, as is most things in this part of our world.
So now the argumentum de choix is between living for a cause, a larger than life vision, living for others, adding to the society, sustainably making the world a better place...and living for the set course you desire in life, expectedly upward and forward; with your personal happiness as the primary objective, even though it could still benefit the society, largely because of the interdependence of the universe.
You decide, what format of expression appeals more to your inner soul
What makes your heart beat?
Where lies your strength?
For a cause or for your course?

Sunday 24 September 2017

Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe.

Onye kwè, Chi ya èkwè!

This morning, I was meditating on God's will for know when you pray and end it with '...God let your will be done...'
I found out that God's will is that you decree a thing, believe it and it will be established.
John 14:14 says..."ask ANYTHING in my name, I will do."

You are a King-Priest. Decree as a king and believe like a priest...then God will enforce.
A book I read on anthropology of the IBO ethnic group, writes that one of the reasons for the success of the IBO race is because they Do Not resign their life to fate/destiny.

Thus the Ibo saying: "Onye kwè, Chi èkwè"...meaning...If you agree, God will agree with you.
If you decide today, to get up and be successful today, God will back your decision and grant you success.

Have a great day!

Mbonu Eric U.

The Devil's Fork.


Stuck in a dilemma...
A plethora of decisions,
Of options below the belt.
Choices of where to go from hence.

Wither the cookie crumbles,
Thither the tide tumbles...

What is thy heart's better option?
What dost thou seeketh?
Whence doth thou getteth heart's peace?
Which road takes you a step closer to your desire???


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